The Joey Lawrence Website


My Message To Joey: 


              Joey, if you read this, my message to you is that you are one of the most beautiful

people inside and out that I have ever known! When you make quotes like "Hey everyone.

May God bless us all and I hope you all have a beautiful, wonderful Christmas!!!! Much love to

you all and how blessed we are to be able to enjoy this most beautiful, precious holiday in the

greatest country in the world!!! Xoxoxo" it absolutely takes my breath away! Your religious,

patriotic, and parental ways are your best and most beautiful qualities! You're so good and so

loving! My only reget is that I can't melt your heart the way you melt mine! Love you with all

my heart & soul! x0x0x

Love Always,


(A.K.A. Your #1 Fan)


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