The Joey Lawrence Website


The following are quotes by Joey Lawrence on Twitter:

"Goodnight all my beautiful tweeters! God bless you all & may god bless JAPAN-The earth is changing. It's scary but we all must stay strong."

"Hey everyone. May God bless us all and I hope you all have a beautiful, wonderful Christmas!!!! Much love to you all and how blessed we are to be able to enjoy this most beautiful, precious holiday in the greatest country in the world!!! Xoxoxo"

"Happy new year all my gorgeous tweeters!!! At the Laker Game with my best bud just chillin!! Love you all!! Talk soon!! Xoxo"

"Hey y'all.... So it's Friday... Yeah!! So go out and have a kick butt wknd!!! And just because you all have been asking... Here's a big "WHOA" for you!!"

"It's thankful Thursday everybody!! Big hugs and kisses to ya!" 

 "I got enough love for all of you!!! I've Just been crazy lately, so forgive me for the lack of tweets lately to all of you. I'll make it up to you.... Promise!!"

"Hey my sexy beautiful tweeters... Sorry for the lame amount of tweets lately. I've just been swamped with my show and my record and this new animated series I'm developing with my brothers(that you all are going to freaking love) and Christmas! But I'll get back to it soon! Love you all and keep my follow list growing!!"

"Hey all..... Hope you had a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving and are enjoying the rest of your weekend!! Love you all and enjoy football tmrw ! I know I will!!! Xo"

"Goodnight all!!! Sleep tight!! It's thankful Thursday tmrw!!! And thus we need to focus on all the good things in our lives. It seems so much easier at times to get caught up on the things that aren't going our way. But that is all part of the journey. We must embrace it all. God bless."

"God bless everybody. Have a beautiful weekend because they are a beautiful thing. And if you have to work this weekend that's a blessing too in these economic times... So embrace it! Much love to you all. Xo"

"God bless everybody!! I hope you all are having a beautiful Sunday!!!! Xo"

"Hey my gorgeous tweeters happy hump to ya all!! Twugs and twisses coming at ya!!!! Xo god bless"

 "Hey everyone let's make sure we say a special prayer today for all of the men and women who have ever worn a uniform. There tremendous sacrifice and effort to defend our freedoms at home and abroad is the single greatest gift they could ever give our beautiful nation. So god bless all the veterans on this veterans day and god bless America. The most amazing country in the history of world!!"

"Tweet tweet my beautiful tweeters! Been working up a storm here finishing my record up and getting geared up for 15 more episodes of melissa&joey;that we are starting to shoot in December..... Yeah!! But love you all and thanks for all the continued love and support. My goal is to build my tweeter followers to 45k by the end of the year so all the help you can give me would be so greatly appreciated!!! Love to you all!!"

"Goodnight all!!! Sweet dreams!! Live pics coming from the set this week!! Love yo all! Just reached 16k in followers!! Let's keep it growing!!!!! Xo"

"Yo yo thank you all for making Melissa&Joey;a huge hit!! Tonights episode will be the season finale but have no fear it will be back on tv next year for season two!!! Love you all.... Xoxo"

"TGIF my tweet peeps!! Love you all have an amazing wknd and be safe!!! Much love everyone!!!!! Xo"

"Happy Columbus day my beautiful tweeters!!!!! God bless AMERICA"

"God bless my tweet peeps!! Have a great wknd and be safe!! And just FYI for everyone "Melissa&Joey;" just got picked up for 15 more episodes!!! Thanks to all your amazing support the show will continue!!! You guys rock!! I love you all and let's keep it going!!!!!!"


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