The Joey Lawrence Website


Joey Lawrence Has Stared In The Following Movies:


Movie Titles                                                                                                        Role

Summer Rental                                                                                          Bobby Chester

Pulse                                                                                                            David Rockland

Oliver & Company                                                                                         Oliver (Voice)

Chains of Gold                                                                                                      Tom   

Radioland Murders                                                                                    Frankie Marshall

A Goofy Movie                                                                                               Chad (Voice)

Desperate But Not Serious                                                                              Darby

Tequila Body Shots                                                                                     Johnny Orpheus

Horse Sense                                                                                                 Michael Woods

Urban Legends: Final Cut                                                                          Graham Manning

Do You Wanna Know a Secret                                                                      Hank Ford

Jumping Ship                                                                                                  Michael Woods

A Christmas Adventure from a Book Called Wisely's Tales                Wolfpack Leader (Voice)

Pandora's Box                                                                                                Detective Anderson

The Pool 2                                                                                                            Lance Cooper

Rest Stop                                                                                                      Officer Michael Deacon

Killer Pad                                                                                                                     Himself

Together Again for the First Time                                                                       Carey Krzyznyk

The Sinatra Club                                                                                                       Louie Pipes

Scamps                                                                                                                          Sparky  

Little Shots                                                                                                                       Pete 

Wait Till Your Mother Gets Home                                                                           Chris Peters    

Olsen Twins Mother's Day Special                                                                             Singer

Prince for a Day                                                                                       Ralph Bitondo/Ricky Prince 

Brothers of the Frontier                                                                                            Ethan Frye

Romantic Comedy 101                                                                                           Mark Gibson

Love Rules                                                                                                              Michael Warner     

Bow                                                                                                                                    Matt

Confessions of a Sociopathic Social Climber                                                           Ferguson   

Android Apocalypse                                                                                                     DeeCee

My Fake Fiance                                                                                                               Vince

Adventures in Babysitting                                                     Brad Anderson

Blossom (T.V. Movie)                                                              Joey Russo

Tumor & Gooch                                                                          Gooch

The Dog Who Saved Halloween                                                     Zeus

Hit List                                                                                      Lyle

Havana Heat                                                                  Agent Sean Franklin


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