The Joey Lawrence Website


Joey Lawrence Has Stared In The Following Television Shows:


T.V. Show Titles                                      Role                                     Episode Titles

Diff'rent Strokes                                                     Joey                                                  "Big Brother"

Silver Spoons                                               Joey Thompson                  "The Best Christmas Ever"

Gimme a Break                                            Joey Donovan                                        77 episodes

Young People's Specials                                      Billy                                              "Umbrella Jack"

ABC Afterschool Specials                                    Mattie                                            "Don't Touch"

Blossom                                                              Joey Russo                                      114 episodes

Almost Home                                                      Jeff Thornton                                  "Girls and Boy"

Empty Nest                                                               Wade                      "Aunt Verne Knows Best"     

The John Larroquette Show                          Carly's Brother                        "Whipping Post"    

Something Wilder                                                J.J. Travis                       "Bergman of Alcatraz"

Brotherly Love                                                      Joe Roman                                    37 episodes

Touched by an Angel                                              Jesse                                        "Fool for Love"

Recess                                                              Franklin Dudikoff                                "The Dude"

The Zeta Project                                                      Dex Finley                             "Eye of the Storm"

American Dreams                                               Michael Brooks                               11 episodes

Run of the House                                                   Kurt Franklin                                 18 episodes

Half & Half                                                              Brett Mahoney                                9 episodes

CSI: NY                                                                  Clay Dobson                                   3 episodes

The Emperor's New School                                    Dirk Brock                  "Emperor's New Musical"

Melissa & Joey                                                              Joe                                           Filming


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